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Homework Calendar

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Ms. Heskett's Weekly Homework Calendar 4-29-24
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
Math: Drops In the Bucket A56 front and back Math: Drops In the Bucket A57 front and back NO HOMEWORK Trip to Leonardo's
Reading: Life on the...
Listen to your child read the book then you sign the front cover and return the book to school.
Reading: Kids Then...
Listen to your child read the book then you sign the front cover and return the book to school.
Field Trip Tomorrow NO HOMEWORK
Remember, we will be in school this week on Friday.
As temperatures change for the upcoming spring, please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and has a jacket/hoodie/coat to wear.
We go outside every day if the temperature is above freezing and it is not raining.
Monthly Character Trait/Memory Work Upcoming Dates to Remember
from Character First
I will share my things with others.
I'll recycle and conserve.
And when I see good in others,
I'll give praise like they deserve.
I will give my time and talents
And I'll do my best to learn,
When I freely give to others,
To ask nothing in return.
Commitments are important steps
To guard us from disaster.
And just to show we know them well,
Let's say them even faster.
May 10….. NO SCHOOL
May 14….. Little Olympics 6:30 @ FB Field
May 15….. Awards Assembly 9:00
May 16….. Last Day - FUN DAY
Math Fact Fluency: Remember to practice your child's math fact level flash cards with them to increase fluency (reading the fact and providing the answer within 5 seconds).
Sight/High Frequency Words: Cut these words apart to use as flash cards to help your child recognize and read them quickly (within 3 seconds).
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